Saturday, April 12, 2008

Interesting things in the news

I like the news, most of it is the usual humdrum of war and politics which, will interesting, is usually just a rehash of previous issues, but then you get some gold stuff like below:

First up, a 13 year old who went to a tanning salon THREE times in one day and, surprise surprise, ended up burnt. This was a great story, quite why a 13 year old felt it necessary to go to a salon in the first place is odd especially when he lives in fucking Wales, the land of rain and vicious sheep. 
The best bit comes at the end of the piece where some dozy bint from the dermatologist association reckons that kids can't be expected to understand the risks of tanning beds. I'm sorry my dear but if I ever have kids (currently the majority of public opinion is against this) and my 13 year old can't figure out that going to a tanning salon THREE TIMES in a day is bad then i'll fucking disown them, go to my toolshed and blow my brains out for doing such a fucking poor job of bringing up a human being meant to be capable of cognitive thought.

Next up, the Mormons or, to be more precise, that radical off-shoot the Fundementalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints which has finally been busted by the feds. The fact it's taken this long is nothing short of disgusting and can be attributed to two things
1. The feds are terrified of another Waco
2. If enough people do something illegal, it somehow gains a legitimate face, especially when you wrap a bogus religion around it

Now let's not mince words here, the FCJCLDC is for paedophiles, plain and simple. It's somewhat unbelievable that any woman would be fucking stupid enough to buy into a religion that reads as a passport for men to basically fuck whoever they chose regardless of age. 

The whole "three wives to get into heaven" thing is fantastic, although you wonder why three is magic number, why not 7? or 10? hell why have a limit at all? "A man must have MANY wives to get into heaven, definitely more than one, and the more you have, the more 'heaven points' you'll build up which upon arrival in heaven can be exchanged for luxury items". Now if there was a religion that said that, i'd be more excited than Tom Cruise on Oprah. 
I'm not sure where the big book of Mormon says that it's ok for the girls to be underage, but I can only assume it's in the small print. 

So here you have a sect that for years has practiced poligamy, which is illegal, and paedophilia, which is both illegal and morally reprehensible, and it's only fucking NOW that the police move in and they only did that because they got a fucking complaint!
It's hard to know what's more disgusting - the religion itself, or the lack of action to take it down. I'm going with the latter because you have to give the religion leaders some credit for managing to make up a list of laws that read like the big book of men's fantasies (incidentally child rape is NOT one of my fantasies thank you very much) and women FUCKING GO ALONG WITH IT.

last up, the Lonely Planet has got caught out - one of its main authors has admitted making up huge parts of his work. Well to anyone who's used an LP I think the only surprise here is if he's the only one because their books FUCKING SUCK. 

I took an LP out to SE Asia and within 2 days has concluded that it was about as much use as a chocolate teapot, and sadly a lot less edible. I kept mine purely for comedy value - when you were on a long trip you could pull it out and chuckle along at the various mistakes or outright lies.

For one thing, a travel book that can't get the prices right is unlikely to help you find a place to sleep which is a shame since that is really your number one priority as a traveller. In Thailand, for example, they list a huge range of prices for each guesthouse and inevitably when you turn up at the establishment it is revealed that they only have one room that costs, say, 100baht a night, and everything else is 500. Great stuff. I learnt not to carry my LP around in plain view because it clearly marked me as a gullible sucker who would pay any amount no matter how ridiculous for after all, I was stupid enough to buy the book.

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