Sunday, June 1, 2008

Michelle Malkin - Most Pointless Person Ever?

A definite warning re: the dangers of the internet - it allows anyone to have a voice, no matter how idiotic. This person clearly lives outside of reality yet has managed to get a whole advertising campaign pulled, it is hard to know what is worse - her fascist viewpoint or Dunkin' Donuts for listening.

I'm not sure at what point the keffiyeh has come "to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad".  Considering that half the Muslim world appears to wear them as a matter of course, and i'm fairly certain that the majority of Muslims are not terrorists, it's hard to see the correlation. Unless of course you're a right-wing conservative with all the intellectual ability of a boiled potato. Interestingly she is able to give the scarf two vastly different meanings - it's either an anti-war scarf (bad) or a pro-jihad scarf (also bad). So wearing one could make you a lover of peace or a lover of war, presumably it depends on how you wear it, maybe Ms Malkin could enlighten us?

Her comparison of the scarf to klu klax klan hoods (presumably she's got a few in the wardrobe in case the "good old days" return and she can go out lynching rather than blogging) is ridiculous. The hoods are meant to hide the faces of murderous racists, the keffiyeh is meant to keep sand out of your face. The hoods were worn by a select and very specific group of people, the keffiyeh is worn by hundreds of thousands of people covering a quarter of the globe. 

Personally I was never interested in wearing a keffiyeh (it's a look that has caught on in Sydney recently) but have since bought one and wear it with pride. I am neither anti-war nor pro-jihad, but I am anti-stupid people. 

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